The second wave of health frameworks is specifically tailored to encourage regional firms to compete for a place with the nationals.
Like the first Design for Life: Building for Wales framework established in 2006, the work will be divided in three regions covering the north, south west and south east Wales.
But this time the regional framework will be limited to projects valued £4m-£10m to encourage smaller firms to bid against nationals.
Firms will also be able to bid in consortia to increase competition.
Under the revised approach, Wales will now run a single national framework for projects worth more than £10m, which is due to come up for bid later.
Interested contractors are now being invited to bid for the three new regional frameworks, each with an estimated spend of around £100m.
New regional frameworks are due to start next July with each region selecting three contractors alongside their building services team.
Under this arrangement a separately selected prefessional services team of architects and engineers will be novated to the contractor as each job comes through.
The award procedure for the new national framework is being staggered and will be advertised later for take up in June 2012.
Under this arrangement, a further three national contractors will be selected this time as part of bid consortia comprising their own consultants and M&E bid teams.
The Welsh health frameworks first came into operation in July 2006. Previous winners included Bam, Interserve and Laing O’Rourke.
- Aneurin Bevan LHB
- Cardiff & Vale University LHB
- Cwm Taf LHB
- Powys teaching LHB (south)
- Velindre NHS Trust
- Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University LHB
- Hywel Dda LHB
- Betsi Cadwaladr University LHB
- Powys Teaching LHB (North)
South-East Wales
South-West Wales
North Wales
The Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust and Public Health Wales will be able to draw down services for projects below £10m construction value from whichever regional framework meets their geographic need.
For projects above £10m they will utilise the new national framework.
Regional framework details
The three contractors on each regional framework will compete for every project regardless of the nature, location or value within the Regional Framework band.
The main contractor will be appointed by a two-stage process:
1st Stage
To take the project from conceptual proposal through validation and design to agreement of target price or price not to be exceeded.
2nd Stage
After Welsh Assembly Government approval to take the project from finalisation of design, through construction to handover and settlement of final account.
The selected suite of contract for construction will be the NEC3 engineering and construction contracts with Option C: target contract with activity schedule the preferred choice.
All bidders must be registered with construction line and prequalify using the registration system.
Firms have until 8 October to return PQQs