The formation of the Professional Services Division follows approaches from local authorities keen to save cash in the wake of budget cuts.
FM Conway’s Term Projects and Professional Services Director, John Holliday, said: “A number of local authorities have requested our input to develop a more cost effective service delivery model.
“By coordinating activities across the highway network, eliminating duplication between parties and streamlining administrative procedures, significant savings can be made without compromising on service levels or public safety.
“We are already undertaking a broad spectrum of services as part of existing term maintenance contracts and it makes sense to consolidate this work into a professional services hub which is essentially a one stop shop for all highway related services.”
In addition to managing all planned and reactive maintenance activities, the Professional Services Division has the capability to deliver highways and traffic schemes from concept stage through to design, consultation and implementation.
FM Conway said that involving the construction team at the earliest possible stage has proved successful in designing practical schemes within tight budget limitations taking into account sustainability, buildability, materials, maintenance and whole life costs.
FM Conway managing director Michael Conway said: “Many London boroughs are taking the first steps towards joint working, which opens up the potential for further efficiency savings as result of delivering services across borough boundaries.
“As a contractor with 49 years experience of working with London boroughs and one that is currently working with 17 local authorities, FM Conway is well positioned to build upon its reputation as a trusted contractor and extend its service provision.”