The two builders, which bid in development joint ventures, will compete alongside big name housing associations to develop a mix of affordable homes for rent and shared-ownership as well as private sale over four-years.
- Ardmore First Base Partnership
- Mulalley One Housing Group
- Catalyst Housing Group
- Genesis Housing Group
- London and Quadrant
- Network Housing Group
South Kilburn framework partners
More than 11 sites have been singled out for development to allow tenants to decant from rundown housing estates in the borough.
South Kilburn is in the top 5 % of the most deprived areas in England and has, since 2001, been designated as a New Deal for Communities area, the Government’s flagship area based regeneration strategy.
The council will host a mini competition among the framework partners who will bid to be appointed to build and manage the development site, under a 999 year lease.
The tenderers will in effect price the development proposals and make an offer for the land to the council, the receipt of which will be recycled back into the on-going regeneration of South Kilburn.