Steve Morgan, Redrow chairman, warned that councils were using the national consultation process to delay schemes that should be sailing through planning.
The firm now has more than 30 sites stuck in the planning process, which in plot terms amounts to around two years of housing supply.
“The existing planning environment remains frustratingly slow and costly, with far too many local authorities using the current hiatus as an excuse to impede and delay planning applications.” he warned.
“As an indication of the present climate, Redrow alone has 30 live planning applications for 5,219 plots, which are either delayed beyond the 13 week statutory determination period or subject to appeal.”
In an up date on trading, the house builder said it was now focusing land buying on smaller sites in prime locations around the country and was continuing to develop its London business.
Since the beginning of the new financial year, Redrow has acquired 1,365 plots over 12 sites across the country.
Its current owned and contracted land bank stands at 11,300 plots, representing just over four and a half years supply.
Morgan added: “The proposed NPPF represents the biggest change to planning policy in decades.
“Providing its principles are not watered down it should produce a speedier and more balanced planning system and a platform for the growth in new house building which the country desperately needs.”