Pay people more money and show them what a career in construction can achieve.
Documentaries like BBC2’s current Fifteen Billion Pound Railway are a great way of showcasing what working in the industry can be like.
The show highlights Crossrail’s construction and is a fantastic example of the awe-inspiring, interesting and rewarding work a career in the industry offers.
Couple a fulfilling career with decent pay and we’ll go some way to solving construction’s skills crisis.
People often associate construction with low-paid, unskilled and dangerous work.
That’s not the industry most of our readers know so let’s highlight professional careers where pay is rising fast.
We have a real white-collar skills crisis in construction with companies desperate to attract new blood.
Telling youngsters that some construction managers are currently being offered six-figure salaries will surely get their attention.
The industry is undergoing a revolution as technology changes the way companies operate.
Construction is now a fast-paced industry which is constantly evolving but still produces a tangible end-product people can be proud of.
We all know construction is a great industry.
We build amazing things and it’s also social and a good crack.
We should tell people that rather than rely on trade body recruitment campaigns which always come over a bit patronising and feel like they have been designed by committee.
Paying a decent salary and showing people a good time while building things that make a difference shouldn’t really be a hard sell.
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