Site toilet specialist fined for illegal dumping

Grant Prior 8 years ago

A specialist firm which empties site toilets has been hit with fines and costs of £40,000 for flouting waste disposal laws.

Weymouth magistrates heard how Martin Perrett ran an illegal waste site at Court Farm, Buckland Newton near Dorchester.

Trading as Buckland Newton Hire Ltd he offered various services including ground works, plant hire, waste disposal, skip hire and haulage.

The business is situated within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The company had permission to store septic tank sludge at the farm, but not cesspit or chemical toilet waste.

Despite being warned by the Environment Agency as long ago as 2005 to ‘only store septic tank sludge’, Perrett continued to allow untreated cesspit and toilet waste to be stored on site.

Potentially harmful untreated cesspit and chemical toilet waste should be taken to a licensed sewage treatment works for safe disposal.

By storing and bulking up untreated sewage waste at Court Farm, Martin Perrett was operating an illegal waste transfer station.

When Environment Agency officers visited the site in October 2014 they noticed waste only received the most basic of treatment – screening through a grill to remove ‘rag’ material. Rats were seen in the area used for screening.

Describing the company records as ‘poor’, both Buckland Newton Hire Ltd and its managing director were said to have a ‘cavalier approach’ to compliance with waste regulation.

Further checks at Court Farm revealed a lack of adequate procedures and that staff working for the company hadn’t been properly trained.

An Environment Agency spokesperson said: “There have been longstanding problems at this site that lies within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

“Despite advice and support from the Agency, the operator failed to put the necessary measures in place and the business continued to be poorly managed.

“Illegal waste operators put human health at risk and can harm the environment. They also put legitimate businesses at a financial disadvantage.”