The Major Works and Improvements Framework will be split into two primary work channels, one for refurbishment and the other design and construct works.
Each will be alotted between building types covering housing, education, health and Blue Light projects with two project value bands for each sector.
- Housing: ( Refurbishment – up to £5m and over £5m); (Design and build – up to £5m, and over £5m)
- Education: (Refurbishment – up to £2m, over £2m); (Design and build – up to £5m, and over £5m)
- Health:(Refurbishment – up to £2m, over £2m) ; (Design and build – up to £5m, and over £5m)
- Blue Light and Wider Public Sector:(Refurbishment – up to £2m, over £2m); (Design and build – up to £5m, and over £5m)
Fusion21 said the framework would be open to firms turning over more than £5m annually.
Bidders days will be held in November with a formal OJEU notice set to be published on 3 December.
More details about attending the events are available from the website.