Contractor Seddon will transform the 10-storey Alfred Gunn House in Langley with a £12m renovation programme.
An extra 10 two-bedroom flats will be built on the roof of the connected triple block with redundant ground floor storage sheds also removed to create a further four two-bedroom flats.
The scheme also includes 16 much-needed new council homes on council-owned land adjacent to the Alfred Gunn block in Old Hobiscus Lane, bringing the total spend to £14m.
External improvements to Alfred Gunn House include new windows and external cladding, improvements to balconies, a new roof and extra parking for tenants and visitors.
Further internal refurbishment work will see existing lifts replaced and upgraded fire protection along with new decoration and lighting to communal areas and corridors plus improved entrance and security systems.
Other remodelling works will see 57 three-bedroom flats reconfigured to two bedrooms in a bid to make them more attractive to tenants, tackling the relatively high turnover and shorter than average tenancies the block currently suffers from.
Refurbishment work to Alfred Gunn House should get underway in early 2020.