Farmer brings 30 years’ experience in construction and is tasked with providing independent scrutiny and advice to the Government on embedding MMC in homebuilding.
Three years ago he produced the Government commissioned Farmer Review – subtitled Modernise or Die – calling for a radical overhaul of training, greater use of digital construction and pre-manufacturer solutions.
Before that he spent 26 years at cost consultant E C Harris before leaving to set up construction consultancy Cast in 2016.
The housing minister has also put him in charge of developing the ‘Construction Corridor’ in the North and promoting wider innovation.
Farmer will also act as an ambassador overseas for the UK’s MMC activities, using international networks and trade opportunities to attract investment into an industry that could be worth up to £40bn once mature.
McVey said: “I want to see modern methods of construction – the new gold standard of building – being used up and down the country to usher in a green housing revolution.
“That’s why it is such fantastic news that Mark Farmer has agreed to be our new MMC Champion – to really drive forward innovation, and to help the government deliver a new generation of green homes.
MMC Champion Farmer said: “I am delighted to have been asked to carry out this new role.
“I look forward to working with both industry and Government to make sure we now accelerate the uptake of modern methods of construction.