Official notice to proceed with the project was delayed in February by Covid-19 and peregrine falcons nesting in the clock tower.
As a result of the delay, completion of the project has been pushed back from December 2023 to May 2024 for the town hall.
The construction contract has risen from £190m to £214m and will see the grade one-listed building fully restored along with extensive, improved public realm.
So far £18m of works have been placed and £136m procured.
Final project contingency budgets assume the supply chain post-Covid-19 has been able to recover levels of productivity by the end of October.
Final contract issues have now been resolved and a Deed of Variation agreed to reflect the risk of potential further Covid incidents.
This now requires the management contractor to use its best endeavours to prevent delay and further delay.
Works will include restoring the Great Hall and its Ford Madox Brown murals, as well as external repairs to the roof, stonework and drains.
Lendlease has pledged to support the project’s delivery of a range of comprehensive social value commitments including 150 apprenticeships and 45 new jobs targeted at Manchester residents.