Latest research from consultant Gleeds surveyed main contractors, subcontractors and suppliers on ways in which Covid-19 is changing the face of the construction industry.
It showed a 30% drop in the last survey in firms who thought that a more adversarial approach to contracts was inevitable going forward.
Gleeds said: “It would appear that many in the industry are taking a longer-term view, recognising the importance of supply chain stability and smarter, more collaborative procurement to achieve better project outcomes.”
The survey also found that two thirds of contractors will seek to incorporate modern methods of construction (MMC) on future projects as a direct result of the pandemic and social distancing.
Almost all of the contractors questioned (94%) said the implementation of required social distancing measures will lead to delays in project completion, with 10% believing that delivery schedules could be delayed by over 20%.
Douglas McCormick, Executive Chairman at Gleeds UK, said: “Over the past seven months there has been a conscious, collaborative drive to keep things moving.
“Our research shows that the construction industry has stood firm in the face of adversity, ensuring cost-efficient shut-down and reopening of sites; turning to innovative construction approaches, such as modern methods of construction; and maximising the use of digital tools, supporting revised site health and safety procedures.
“Despite best efforts, construction programmes have inevitably been extended due to the impact of Covid-19 and contractors are having to find alternative ways of working in response to social distancing measures, which may be tested during the winter months.”
“As we move forwards, the buildings we construct today will embody the resilience demonstrated during the pandemic. Flexible for adaptation to alternative uses, innovative in design from the outset, and future-proofed with the needs of their occupants at the heart.”