Their new smart system collects and analyses data from completed projects across the UK, enabling accurate forecasting, costing and reporting of waste generated from site.
The portal then uses predictive algorithms based on waste collected, helping buyers and planners calculate, manage, reduce, and prevent wastage on construction projects.
The use of the portal will help refine costs and reduce time on procurement planning whilst also minimising the building project’s impact on the environment.
The smart system connects waste producers with waste management experts via a tiered system that focuses on environmental excellence and best practice, ensuring high quality waste management partners that prioritise carbon and Net-Zero targets.
Jacqueline O’Donovan, managing director of O’Donovan Waste said: “The construction and associated industries are focusing on sustainable design that is improving all the time.
“Waste management is a vital part of the whole life of a building from design, planning, construction, operation – right up to de-construction.
“With Net-Zero targets set for 2050, we need to participate in achieving more sustainable goals.
“The Construction Waste Portal uses innovation to help the construction and waste sectors join forces to become more resourceful and work towards our collective Net-Zero environmental impact without compromising safety.”
John Logan, Founder of Construction Waste Portal, said: “The Portal will lead industry change on resource efficiency best practice by connecting construction projects with companies in the waste sector who aspire to be the elite.”